Odessa Klezmer Band

Isaac's Dry Tree

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2000
Item number: ERCD022
Length: 57:23
Genre: klezmer
Construction: plastic

The Odessa Klezmer Band reaches back to the old layer of Eastern European Jewish melodies, and strives for the most precise acquisition of the archatic style. It blends, however, tradition with new and modern music elements characteristic of all living folk music. This makes its style unique and authentic, while remaining faithful to the sound of the jewish band form Toponár, as remembered in the poem by Csokonai Vitéz Mihály.

Béla Ágoston - clarinets, saxopohes
Károly Babos - percussions
Mihály Huszár - double bass, accordion, bass guitar
Ferenc Kiss - koboz, viola, tambura, kaval, harmonica
Zsigmond Lázár - fiddle

Kati Szvorák - voice
László Fekete, the leading cantor of the Dohány street Synagogue - voice
Bence Huszár - trombone
János Mazura - tuba
Miklós Mákó - trumpet
Miklós Lukács - cymbal
Zoltán Szabó - bagpipe
D. J. Mango - scratch

1. A rabbi tánca / The Rabbi's dance
2. A klezmer sóhaja / The sigh of Klezmer
3. A fidulás zsidó / Yidl with the fiddle
4. Hajnali dojna / Doina at dawn
5. Nagyapa tánca / Granddad's dance

6. Ifjak tánca / Youth's dance
7. Kárpáti menyasszony / Fiancée form the Carpathians
8. Kárpáti vőlegény / Fiancé from the Carpathian
9. Hora / Hora
10. Fáj a szívem, vigadj velem! / My heart aches, rejoice with me
11. Belz / Belz

12. Lassú és gyors / Slow and fast
13. Alkonyi dojna / Doina at dusk
14. Bölcsödal / Lullaby
15. D.J. Haszid / D. J Hasid

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CD's price: 14.00 USD


