LEGEDI László István – BÁLINT Erzsébet

Szeretőm a táncba

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 1997
Item number: EDR-CD 016
Genre: folk music
Construction: plastic

The musical pieces on this CD are all traditional Csángó (a Hungárián mino-rity in Rumania) tunes from Moldva. The dance tunes are played by István Legedi László (50 years old, carpenter) on the Furulya (wooden whistle with six holes), the Kával (long wooden whistle with five holes) and the Tilinkó (wooden whistle without holes). The songs are sung by Erzsébet Bálint (56 years old, housewife). Both are peasant musicians, that is they have learned the traditional melodies and lyrics, which were passed down from generation to generation, from their parents.
Most of the tunes are dances, accompanied with the Koboz (special kind oflute with four or five pairs of strings, today to be found in this area only), Jew's harp and a drum, but iyrícal instrumental and vocal tunes can alsó be heard. This recording is part of a seríes of musical editions (cassettes and sheet music) on Hungárián folk music from Moldva.
The Zurgó band was founded by young musicians from Budapest. They would üke to preserve and pass on this ancient music in an úrban context. The tunes played by the band were added to show the contrast between the authentic and the úrban interpretation.
Sándor Balogh, Editor

Legedi László István – furulya (1-3, 9, 11, 15-19, 20, 26, 29, 30), kaval (7, 8, 12-14, 21, 22, 28), tilinkó (24, 25)
Bálint Erzsébet – ének / voice (2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 30)

Kísér / Accompanied by:
BENKE GRÁTZY: dob / drum 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26, 28-30
BOLYA MÁTYÁS: koboz 1-3, 7-11, 14, 15, 18, 19,, 26, 28-30
BALOGH SÁNDOR: doromb / Jew’harp 8, 21, 25
Közreműködik / With the Participation of Zurgó
Draskóczy Lídia – hegedű / fíddle 4, 23, 27
Nagy Bercel – furulya 4, 27; kaval 23
Jakabffy Balázs – dob / drum 4, 23, 27
Róka Szabolcs – koboz 4, 23, 27 (Guest Artist from Tatros Band)
Unger Balázs – cimbalom / dulcimer 4, 23 (Guest Artist from Galga Band)

1. Öreg magyaros
2. Este lett a leányságnak...
(Öreg magyaros)
3. Szeretőm a táncba...
4. Serény magyaros
5. Lehajlott e kökény ága...
6. Mikor Csíkból kiindultam...
7. Sirített tánc
8. Románca
9. Elé zajtóig, vissza...
10. Aluszol e te juhász...
11. Kecskés
12. Seremoj kavalon

13. Öves kavalon
14. Öves kavalon
15. Öves
16. Lovas tánc
17. Zdrobuleánka
18. Keresel, keresel...

19. Tiszti
(Szerbia officerászka)
20. Vert kezes
21. Kezes
22. Román kezes
23. Stica

24. Tavaszi havajgatás
25. Gyors tilinkás

26. Szerba sztudencilor

27. Ruszászka
28. Gergelytánc
29. Pálmácska
(Tenyeres tánc)
30. Dittáj, dittáj, Bád Mihál...

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