Until Tomorrow

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2003

Item number: ER-CD 068

Length: 49:17

Genre: world music

Construction: plastic

Lantos was one of the remarkable members of the Vízöntő and the Kolinda group in the 70s. Although he has lived in France for a long time, he has not separated from the East European folk music completely. Recordings, which are heard in this selection, manufactured between 1992 and 2003 and intend to present the most significant trend of styles of his life-work. Lantos has a unique world. In his music the rootlessness mates with the limitlessness, the irony with the elevation and the renaissance with the postmodern. The thing is exciting also that he try to reexplain the professional works of Palestrina and Bertalotti. In addition to the music of the Spondó, the Lantos group and the legendary Kolinda we can hear on this album a creation composed for solo piano and two pioneer song. Greet him to his native country.

1. Suliman (Spondó)

2. Két szép csillag (Lantos Banda)

3. Szerelem (Kolinda)

4. Óh sana (Bertalotti)

5. Gyöngyvirágos tarka rét (Úttörő)

6. A unkásoké a jövő (Úttörő)

7. Baborrosára (Kolinda)

8. Lena (Spondó)

9. Aludj (Landos Banda)

10. Amen (Piano Solo)

11. Agnus Dei (Palestrina)

12. Agnus Dei (Palestrina)

13. Agnus Dei (Palestrina)

CD's price: 14.00 USD


