KISS Ferenc

Romani Kris - Gypsy Lore

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 1998

Item number: ER-CD 027

Length: 50:40

Genre: world music

Construction: plastic

This CD contains the music form the motion picture Romani kris - Gypsy Lore by Bence Gyöngyössy.


Ferenc Kiss - fiddle, guitar, tambur

Zsigmond Lázár - synthesizers

Béla Ágoston - saxophone, clarinet

Levente Szilágyi - trumpet

Éva Auksz, Károly Rostás, Mária Balogh , Julianna Kardelás , Julianna Grancsa , Rita Ivancu , Erzsébet Balogh - voice


Ferenc Balogh, István Balogh "Pacal" , István Nagy, Csaba Rostás, Ildikó Varga

1. Title Song

2. Gypsy settlement

3. Sarolta on the meadow

4. Murder

5. Lovér's birthday

6. The relocation

7. Wandering

8. Goose tune

9. In the city

10. Women with wheelbarrow

11. Tamaska's flea market

12. Schuffle

13. Horse fair

14. Atonement

15. Lovér finds Sarolta

16. The raven

Related presses:

Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (Dutch)
Ferenc Kiss review in fROOTS (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók – Love's Doors (English)
FERENC KISS: Nagyvárosi Bujdosók - Outlaws Of The City (English)

CD's price: 14.00 USD

