KISS Ferenc

Sounds Of The Seven Towers

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2001

Item number: ER-CD 036

Length: 73:53

Genre: world music

Construction: digipack

The CD called Sounds of the Seven Towers features the most successful programme music pieces composed by Ferenc Kiss. Among others we can hear the world-famous composition written for the Hungarian Pavilion, which was designed by Imre Makovecz for the Expo 1992 in Seville; the accompanying music written for the folk-dance gala programme at the Szeged Open Air Festival; some music excerpts to the dance choreographies by Jolán Foltin and other rarities.

”For me, the Hungarian folklore erudition is the treasure hidden in the Seven Towers. I’m stuck between the towers of Vienna, Kassa, Munkács, Brassó, Újvidék, Zagreb and Maribor. The gates are closed, but I feel well in here and don’t want to be freed. The voices you hear sound out from here.” – Ferenc Kiss

(It is a plan to move home the Hungarian Pavilion which was designed by Imre Makovecz. Everybody who buys the CD, makes a contribution to this project.)

Ferenc Kiss - musical director and mastering, violin, Turkish clarinet, flute, lute, zithers, Bulgarian tambourine, jew’s harp, beat gardon, synthesizer, hurdy-gurdy

Gizella Ádám - beat gardon

Gergely Agócs - bagpipe

Béla Ágoston - saxophone, clarinet

Éva Auksz - voice

Kálmán Balogh - cimbalom

András Berecz - voice

Károly Cserepes - synthesizer

Sándor D. Tóth - viola

Tamás Gombai - violin

Mihály Halmágyi - violin

Virgil Horváth, Annamária Prókai, Piroska Molnár, András Vereczki - speaking

Mihály Huszár - bass guitar

József Janek - dance rhythm coreography

Zsolt Kürtösi - double bass

Ádám Lámek - clarinet

Zsigmond Lázár - syntesizer, violin

Anna Maros , Bihari Együttes, Honvéd Együttes - speech sounds

Tünde Rémi - voice

Zoltán Szabó - bagpipe

Zsuzsa Vincze - crooning

1. In the shadow of death

2. Kyrie eleison!

3. Day-spring

4. Cage

5. Duet

6. Wedding

7. The famed town of Szeged

8. Round dance

9. Myths of the Hungarian oak

Related presses:

Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (Dutch)
Ferenc Kiss review in fROOTS (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók – Love's Doors (English)
FERENC KISS: Nagyvárosi Bujdosók - Outlaws Of The City (English)


