KISS Ferenc

The Month Of Love

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2005

Item number: ER-CD 054

Length: 62:18

Genre: world music

Construction: digipack

"Approaching my fifties I started thinking, what would happen to me, if I'd lose the feeling. If 'd forget what it's like to be in love. Out of fear, I started to write these songs. My own experiences, archaic folk texts and tunes, natural, cosmic world-view of our ancestors, their ancient, superstitious beliefs, retentive rituals of their strong communities, the Eastern and Christian mythology, the world of tales, the scrap-glass of knowledge, and wine have helped me to give them birth. Finally, I've calmed down. I'm not skilled in astronomy, astrology even less. I'm jus a common dreamer. I have never been seriously involved in the research of our folklore's astral-mythology, either. On the other hand, based on my sole imagination and instinct I had to fabricate a horoscope of my own, according to which the month of Love is that of the Peacock. It is the thirteenth zodiac, screamingly disrupting the order and regularity."

Ferenc Kiss

Bea Palya - voice

VÁNDOR VOKÁL: Szilvia Bognár, Tünde Farkas, Kata Izsák, Andrea Navratil - vocals

Béla Ágoston - clarinets, baritone saxophone, overtonesinging

Károly Babos - percussions

Csaba Bese - bass, double bass

Ferenc Kiss - vocal, koboz, tambourine, zither, violin, viola, hit gardon, Jew's harp

Attila Korom - guitars

Dávid Küttel - accordion, synthesizer

Zsigmond Lázár - violin (5, 7, 9)

Miklós Lukács - cymbal Balázs

Szokolay Dongó - Croatian bagpipe, soprano saxophone, tárogató, kaval

Special guests:

Torbjörn Westman (Sweden) - nyckelharpa (5)

Taraf din Clejani (Romania), from archive record (13)

1. Peacock

2. Magic song

3. Time for the oath

4. Putting up the hair

5. The utmost misery

6. Pentecost's rose

7. My love has gone

8. The forest has thundered

9. The girl with flower growning in her footsteps

10. Stick and rose

11. Love me, sweetie

12. Eventually

13. You know, there is no mercy

Related presses:

Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (Dutch)
Ferenc Kiss review in fROOTS (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók – Love's Doors (English)
FERENC KISS: Nagyvárosi Bujdosók - Outlaws Of The City (English)

