Ferenc KISS

Love's Doors - In Honour Of Béla Bartók

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2006
Item number: ERCD087
Length: 53:38
Genre: world music
Construction: digipack

„... The soul re-sounds, words sing, love’s doors is ringing”

"This record was born in Bartók’s honour, on the 125th anniversary of his birth. The Budapest Spring Festival asked me to create a piece of music to go on the same program with Bartók’s „Bluebeard’s Castle”. The idea was that Bartók’s sources for this opera – the most beautiful layers of Hungarian folk songs, ballads and instrumental folk music – should be performed by me and my colleagues. Specifically that we should make use of them in our own style, bringing them to life, re-creating our musical tradition. This is how „Lover’s doors” came about; through the balladic world of Bartók’s opera – another story is told in a cycle of seven movements. For help we summoned the dramatic density of folklore’s surreal and symbolic images along with the lively folk music and dance. Though we sing about mythical, poetically named women with fates similar to Judit’s, rather than leading to tragedy, love’s doors lead to hope. The passages neither separate nor conceal, they do not have doors locked with a key; they instead connect the many levels and paths of human feelings and emotions. Re-sounding, they propel our souls out of grief and sorrow into the light; out of misery towards recovery."
Ferenc Kiss

Bea Palya, Ági Szalóki, Kati Szvorák – voice

Ferenc Kiss – violin, viola, voice
Zsigmond Lázár – violin
Mihály Huszár – double bass
Attila Korom – guitar
Dávid Küttel – synthesizer, accordion
Károly Babos – percussion

Csaba Ökrös – violin
Sándor D. Tóth – viola
Zsolt Kürtösi – double bass

Kálmán Balogh – cimbalom
Mihály Dresch „Dudás” – saxophone, wooden flute
Mátyás Bolya – koboz, zither
Pál Havasréti – hurdy-gurdy, hit gardon
Balázs Szokolay „Dongó” – saxophone, bagpipe, tarogato, kaval, wooden flutes, overtone singing

1. Tavaszkapu / Spring’s Gate

2. Balladavölgy / Valley of Ballads
3. Varázsmező / Enchanted Field

4. Selyemrét / Silk Meadow
5. Citruserdő / Citrus Forest
6. Fellegajtó / Heaven’s Door

7. Álomvíz / Dream Water

Related presses:

Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (English)
Ferenc Kiss review in fROOTS (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók – Love's Doors (English)
FERENC KISS: Nagyvárosi Bujdosók - Outlaws Of The City (English)

