Egyszólam and Kalamajka

When Drums Are Beaten

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2000

Item number: ER-CD 048

Length: 68:30

Genre: folk music

Construction: plastic

The history of a nation can most precisely be known form the existing writings of chroniclers and form the results of historical science. Neverthless, the hisorical consciousness of the masses and also the collective memory (which is a particular projection of the former) bear considerable significance.

A retrospective view on the outstanding events and figures of history will show that the richest material in folklore is associated with revolution and the war of independence. This is partly due to the fact that the collective memory, which is able to span some generations has not forgotten them. On the other hand the time distance is big enough for the period words of art or earlier words recomposed by the people, as well as pieces of well-known poets and composers to polish to more perfection in the process of bequest.

This selection is based on period manuscripts, collections, compilations, on the national collection from 1948-49, special bibliography on folk music and ethnography and also our own collections. The program attempts to illustrate the most different strata of vocal and instrumental music from the period of the independence war, form the pieces of most archaic melody and performance, yet actualised lyrics to the most fresh, partly folklorised songs belonging to that period.

EGYSZÓLAM (1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17)

Zoltán Juhász – duct flute, long duct flute, flute, badpipe

Kálmán Sáringer – duct flute, long duct flute

Éva Fábián – gardon, voice

András Berecz – voice

KALAMAJKA (1, 4, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19)

Béla Halmos – violin

Tamás Petrovits – cimbalom

Péter Dövényi – viola

András Nagymarosy – bass, tamburica, ádurica

Éva Fábián – voice


Katalin Juhász – voice

Gergely Agócs -–shawn, clarinet, voice

Réka Juhász, Dénes Juhász, Lilla Juhász, Anna Sáringer, Gergely Dövényi, Katica Szabó – voice

1. Bécs várostól nyugatról keletre

2. Ütik a rézdobot

3. Jön Kossuth, jön

4. Kossuth-nóta

5. Kossuth Lajos azt izente

6. Kossuth Lajos a vezér

7. Este későn megpendítik a dobot

8. Azt beszélik oda föl

9. Megtanultam tótul, svábul

10. Kossuth izenete eljött

11. Erdély körül van kerítve

12. Rákóczi induló, féloláhos és verbunk

13. Gábor Áron rézágyúja

14. Krakowiak (A lengyel légió táncnótája)

15. Garibaldi nóták

16. Kun verbunk

17. Áldja meg az Isten azt az édesanyát

18. Kispejlovam megérdemli a zabot

19. Ezernyolcszáznegyvennyolcban

