Békés Band

Zsok-Joc (Romanian Village Music from Hungary)

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2004

Item number: ER-CD 073

Length: 59:37

Genre: folk music

Construction: plastic

The Békés Banda from the Southeast Hungarian county of Békés has had collecting and playing the traditional music of the Slovaks, Germans, South Slavs and Romanians of the region. A friendly relationship and regular cooperation has envolved between Békés Banda and the musicians and dancers of Méhkerék, Kétegyháza and Elek. The present recording is the result of this, over twenty years old, relationship, together with the valuable contributions of Hungarian and Romanian folk music researchers and fellow musicians. In selecting and arranging the tunes for this album, the band have had a sight the inseparable unity of music and dance, and followed, for the most part, the established order of the traditional ball, or joc. The band would like to give an opportunity to share this culture through dancing for even those who do not speak the Romanian language.

Sándor Barbócz – violin, drum

András Csepregi – double bass

Hajnalka János – voice

Dániel Lipták – violin, drum

Gábor Nagy – kontra-fiddle

Balázs Dongó Szokolay – saxofon, flute, bagpipe

1. Bihari román táncdallamok

2. Eleki "lunga"

3. Eleki "manateaua"

4. Eleki "tiganeasca"

5. Eleki "ardeleana"

6. Sus i luna...

7. Eleki "joc"

8. Énekelt eleki lunga-dallamok "sarba" és "tiganeasca"

9. Kétegyházi "joc"

10. Méhkeréki-bihari dallamok

CD's price: 14.50 USD

