
You Can Hear The Heartbeat Of Time

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2004
Item number: ERCD076
Length: 66:45
Genre: folk music
Construction: digipack

On its second album Zurgó invokes Gregorian melodies, ballads, laments and love songs, as well as dance melodies of medieval, renessaince and modern origin, recalling the festivities, joy and sorrow of generations that have passed. Zurgó is celebrating his 10th anniversary with the present album, playing music of the Hungarian speaking minority in Moldva, Romania, the Csángó people. The melodies has been collected by the members of Zurgó from the Csángós elders, their grandsons and granddaughters.

Lídia Draskóczy - violin
Andrea Navratil - voice
Ágoston Félix Benke - drum, jew's harph, cicélés
László Demeter - koboz
Bercel Nagy - flute, kaval, tilinkó,
Csaba Sófalvi Kiss - flute, kaval

Mária Petrás - voice (13)
Géza Fábri - koboz, voice (7, 10)

1. Magyaros

2. Antaloké
3. Györgyi Ilonával
4. Nunta
5. Vőlegénysirató
6. "Fenn a csillag, fenn az ég..."

7. "Szeretőm e táncba..."
8. Márton víg Gergele
9. Juhajgatás
10. "Ha folyóvíz volnék..."
11. Kyrie eleison

12. Havajgatás
13. Szép asszonyok éneke

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CD's price: 16.50 USD


