Zoltán Szabó

Gajde su gajde - Croatian Bagpipe-Music in Hungary

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 1997
Item number: ERCD015
Length: 45:31
Genre: folk music
Construction: plastic

This CD is a unique enterprise in that it contains predominantly ancient original Croatian bagpipe-music and songs from Hungary, which are often connected with folk customs. The musicians sing and play 3 kinds of bagpipes, some kinds of shepherd pipes, tamburs and the ocarina, accordion now solo, now together.

Franjo Devar - voice, tambur
Zoltán Szabó - gajde (croatian bagpipe), tambur, ocarina, frula pipe, double sepherds's pipe
Antun Vizin - bagpipe of Drava valley, accordion, tanbur, voice

Katalin Juhász - voice
Zoltán Juhász - Hungarian bagpipe
Gergő Princz - double bass tambur
Andor Végh - karabica

1. A Dráván túlról égzengés hallik / Over Drave river...
2. Bevonulás / Recruition
3. Bunyevác fonó / Bunyevac" spinning room

4. Nádsíp-kóló / Karabica" kolo
5. Sokac karácsonyi ének / Sokac" Christmas caroll

6. Iván napi dallamok / Midsummer night's music

7. Busójárás Mohácson / Karneval in Mohacs
8. Mura-menti horvát dudazene / Bagpipe music of Croatians of Mura valley
9. Sokac éjféli lakodalas / Midnight music at the Sokac" wedding
10. A duda, az duda... / The bagpipe is a bagpipe

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CD's price: 14.00 USD

