

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2004
Item number: ERCD067
Length: 51:42
Genre: world music
Construction: plastic

In the 19th century Jewish musicians played two or three dance pieces often in a set order, without interruption at weddings and other feasts.
They called these ‘medleys’ standard among themselves. The first part of the standard is the Doina, a rubato, semi-improvised ballad, which was originally a Transylvanian shepherd tune and which - at the same time - is the intro of the Hora that follows. The Hora is a medium 3/4 time dance, where normally a break subtitles the mid quarter. The last piece of the set is a fast and ecstatic 4/4 time dance, the Bulgar (Freylach). These three kinds of dance pieces with different tempo constitute the basis of the instrumental Klezmer music.
Nigun’s Standard, which is the band’s second CD, revives this music tradition. The traditional variations of the pieces we play come from different regions so originally these three tunes could not be in the same repertoire.

András Párniczky - guitar
Kristóf Bacsó - alto, sopran sax
Péter Nagy - bass
Csaba Gavallér - drums, dumbuk

1. Dror Yikra (trad.)

2. Máramarosszigeti tánc / Dance from Máramaros (trad. arr. Párániczky András)
3. Szászrégeni Zsidó Tánc / Jewish dance from Szászrégen - Belz-ként is ismert / Also known as Belz (trad.)
4. Chasn Ojf Schabess (trad. arr Nigun)
5. Re'ach Tapuach (trad. arr. Nigun)
6. Szól a kakas már - Kalever Nigun-ként is ismert / Also known az Kalever Nigun (trad. arr. Párniczky András, Nagy Péter)

7. Der Gasn Nign (trad. arr. Prániczky András)
8. Odessa Bulgaris (trad. arr. Párniczky András)

9. Hasar Hamemuneh (trad.)

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CD's price: 14.00 USD


