JOÓB Árpád

Reputed singers from Hajdú-Bihar County
Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2001
Item number: EDCD 037
Length: 58:57
Genre: folk music
Construction: plastic
"'Debrecen has its waters.. ' says the song. Debrecen has fountains, has parks with beatiful flowers, has forests, but it hasn't got natural waters. The stream of the 'puszta' (Great Plain) called Hortobágy flows a good 30 kilometres away. It was destined to be the shepherds' water. And Debrecen became the centre of not only the surrounding region, but of Hortobágy, Sárrét and of the sometimes sandy, at other places hilly and forest-clad Nyírség. The songs of this region are performed by six prominent singers: Töro Gábor (Püspökladány), Mrs Balázs János (Aradványpuszta), B. Nagy Ferenc (Nádudvar), Mrs Kurtyán György, Mrs Lázár Mihály (Nyíradony), Tanka Gábor (Tiszacsege).The album features the most characteristic tune types, some are performed in different versions too.
We have to express our thanks to those collectors who found these singers and songs, in one word this treasure: Dr. Papp János, Mrs Dr. Bencze László and Czövek Lajos. We also have to give our thanks to the members of the Debrecen Délibáb Group who were most known and popular in the 1980's: Szabó Viola, Dévai János and Romer Ottó. It was them who recorded the songs in 1981.
But most of our love goes to those who preserved and gave us this treasure. Owing to them these songs can be sung and enjoyed even today. Kodály Zoltán called the Hungarian folk song the mirror of the soul. Those who would like to know more about this region, the people's habits, how they live and what they do should listen to this CD." - Árpád Joób

Gábor Törő, Balázs Jánosné, Ferenc B. Nagy, Kurtyán Györgyné, Lázár Mihályné, Gábor Tanka - voice
Sándor Gali -zither
Sándor Oláh - zither
József Nádházi - reed

1. Debrecennek van egy vize...

2. Lóra csikós, lóra

3. Kiszáradt a tóbul...

4. Ha felülök a fekete halomra

5. Az én édes kedves...

6. Tökhalomnál van az olcsó gomolya

7. Hallottátok hírit...

8. Szél hajtja a vizet

9. Sej, mikor engem...

10. Becsomóztuk a dohányt

11. Én vagyok a Gencsi Feri bérese

12. Nem gyalog jöttem én ide

13. Csütörtökön virradóra

14. Kiszáradt a tóbul...

15. Leégett a hortobágyi hodály

16. Felverem a rézsarkantyúm

17. Pallagra került a juhom

18. Úgy akartalak szeretni

19. Este, este, de szerelmes kedd este

20. Mikor hozzád jártam

21. Új a kendőm

22. Kilenc tinót hajtottam a vásárra

23. Amoda van egy ház

24. Árva vagyok, árva

25. Nyíradonyi hegytetőn

26. Péterfia laktanyára

27. Mikor a juhász bort iszik

28. Hajnallik, hajnallik

29. Bujdosik az árva madár

30. Elejbe, elejbe

31. Nem messze van ide Kismargita

32. A csegei bírónak...

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CD's price: 14.00 USD
