Carmina Danubiana - Claude Flagel

Burgondia Street

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2004

Item number: ER-CD 080

Length: 58:16

Genre: folk music

Construction: digipack

This recording was born in the wake of a Belgian-Hungarian documentary film (’Keletre kén mert ottan szép az élet....’ The heritage of the Walloon settlements in the Carpathian Basin from the Middle Ages. Director: Sándor Keresztessy, 2001) and an unusual concert series. This is a collection of Hungarian and French folk literature which forms the hidden threads of the connections between Eastern and Western folklore. The pairs of ballads and songs are not like siblings, instead their relationship is more like that of cousins. They have common features and we must look for their prototypes of content or form in Europe of the Middle Ages. The ballads heard on this record are presented mainly in French and Eastern European minstrel style, sung as solos or accompanied by one or two instruments. The other genres of songs are free arrangements using both folk and old instruments in parallel.

CLAUDE FLAGEL – voice, hurdy-gurdy


Katalin Juhász – voice

István Csörsz Rumen – voice, lute, fidula, renaissance guitar, zither, flutes, horn, jew's harph, percussion

Zoltán Szabó – bagpipe, flutes, twin flute, clarinet, ocarina


Ferenc Kiss – violin, hurdy-gurdy

Katalin Szabó – voice

Zsófia Tövisházi – violin

Grimm Giso – violone

1. En Ostre voilhanz aler

2. Volez vous que je vous chant

3. Hegyen, földön járogatok vala

4. Guiraut de Bornelh: Reis glorios

5. Ne aludj el, két szememnek világa

6. Marianson

7. Rákóci kocsmába

8. Angélique

9. Béla királyról és az Bankó leányáról

10. Renaud tour de femes - Az elcsalt menyecske

11. Három árva

12. Quatr'z étudiant

13. Zab-ének

14. Chanson l'avoine

15. Elküldték Jakabot

16. Biquette

17. Kis kertet kerítöttem

18. En revenant de noce

19. Jó gazdasszony vagyok én - Karsai hajdú vagyok én

20. Szálláskereső Jézus - Jésus qui cherche á se loger

21. Volta

