Románi Rotá

Báro Drom Szász

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2009

Item number: ER-CD 097

Length: 57:54

Genre: gypsy music

Construction: plastic


„I have been following the path of this band - sometimes from afar, sometimes as a helping hand - since their first record 15 years ago. Sometimes their path has been smooth, sometimes so bumpy that they had to stop and rest on the edge of a ditch. They have had great experiences and also setbacks along the way. but perhaps now they have gotten rolling again. They have pulled the family together: the relatives from the villages of Börvely and Piskolt (Berveni and Piscolt in Romania near the northeastern border of Hungary) with the Budapest branch of the family. They have (so- to-speak) cleaned and oiled the wheels of their Gypsy wagon and the family band is ready to set out on the road again. With new energy and lots of experience, their Gypsy-Hungarian-Romanian musical language has been refreshed, but keeping its variety and wild colors. I wish Románi-Rotá lot of momentum to take them to new heights.” - Ferenc Kiss

Feri Balogh - voice, guitar, dance

Ildi Varga - voice, dance

Lajos Szőcsi - violin, voice

József Szőcsi - guitar, voice

Levente Balázs - accordion, voice

Attila Balázs - keyboard, voice

Peti Boda - voice, water jug, dance, scat bass

Tibi Szilágyi - voice, wooden spoon


Zoltán Szőcsi - drum, rhythm

1. Szímán khér dujséjá / I have two daughters at home

2. Szí ék séj romani / That girl is a Gypsy

3. I drink enough, I get drunk

4. Lajcsi's violin

5. O séjá sukár / The girls are pretty

6. Nácsor láromnyá! / Don't steal my wife!

7. Kánág o Feri gyilábél / When Feri sings

8. Levente's accordion

9. Lové szimán / I've got money

10. I'm singing to the world

11. Ántá romnyéj! / To your place, woman!

12. Szárovél moro jilo / My heart is always crying

13. Puca Feri's tune

14. How can I believe that?

15. The Gypsies are getting ready

16. Báro drom szász / It's been a long journey

CD's price: 14.00 USD

