KISS Ferenc

Transylvanian And Moldavian Fiddlers

Label: Etnofon

Year of release: 2001

Item number: ED-CD 019

Length: 73:19

Genre: folk music

Construction: plastic

As the result of its very complex nationality relations, Transylvania has become the meeting point of very diverse peasant cultures (Hungarian, Romanian, and German) and so, its folk music is unique too. The instrumental music traditions were preserved the most by the gypsies in Transylvania and Moldva. The art of beeing a musician descended from father to son for centurise and this is how those dynasties were born that served and shaped the music needs of village people. Today, however there is less and less possibility for them to play their music, as in many places people do not insist on the traditional, live music. Therfore precious this compilation, because all the bands you can hear on this album know and play such music pieces that originate from the era before the urbanisation of village life.

1. Fetioreste des (Rumanian men's dance)

2. Rumanian dances from Palatka

3. Gypsy dance

4. Dances from Bodonkút

5. Joc Batrinesc din Barai

6. Fetioreste des (Rumanian men's dance)

7. "Clock"

8. Hungarian men's dances: fast and slow

9. Gypsy dance

10. Leaping dance

11. "Bear dance"

12. "Fox dance"

13. Kerekes

14. Botosánka

15. "Gregory dance"

16. Batuta

17. Recruting dance

18. Jewish dance

19. Quick turning-dance

20. Lassú és sebes magyaros, "medvés"

21. Rumanian men's dance

Related presses:

Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók (Dutch)
Ferenc Kiss review in fROOTS (English)
Ferenc Kiss: Szerelemajtók – Love's Doors (English)
FERENC KISS: Nagyvárosi Bujdosók - Outlaws Of The City (English)

CD's price: 14.50 USD
