Zoltán Szabó

The Gift of the Elves II. - Bagpipe concerto

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2010
Item number: ER-CD 102
Length: 60:16
Genre: folk music and world music
Construction: digipack

These recordings, which have largely been “stored in boxes”, show beautifully what can be achieved in our time with an instrument looking back on a thousand years of history, despite having almost vanished in the twilight of oblivion.
The actuality of the present disk/CD lies in the fact that exactly a hundred years ago in Ipolyság, Hont county, a sensational event took place when archivist Alajos Szokolyi, helped by István Győrffy museologist, invited the Hungarian and Slovakian shepherds of the county to an irregular concert, where the participants could present their skills on the most characteristic shepherd’s instruments, especially the bagpipe, the flute and the swineherd's horn, all of which were recorded on phonograph-cylinder by Béla Bartók. These archaic recordings praise the greatness of these instruments.
This album is thus a confession about the bagpipe and about musicians who are willing to descend even to hell for that “KNOWLEDGE”.

Zoltán Szabó - bagpipes, clarinet, flute, sax, voice

Szilvia Bognár - voice
Ágnes Herczku - voice
Ágnes Szalóki - voice
Béla Ágoston - bagpipe
Balázs Szokolay Dongó - bagpipe, Károly Babos - percussion
Mihály Huszár - bass guitar, double-bass
Ferencz Kiss - koboz, tambura, voice
Attila Korom - guitar
Dávid Küttel - accordion, organ
Zsigmond Lázár - fiddle
Dániel Szabó - cimbalom
Mihály Borbély - saxophone
István Csörsz Rumen - lyre, cromorne, voice

Katalin Juhász - voice
István Csörsz Rumen - tambura
Géza Orczi - tapan, tarabuka

Béla Faragó - organ
Géza Orczi - tapan

Géza Orczi - tapan, tarabuka, tambura
László Halász - accordion
János Mazura - tuba

Hannah Berger - voice
Gergő Princz - double-bass
Géza Orczi - tapan
Zoltán Balogh - guitar
Agatics Krunoszlav - accordion

Béla Ágoston - saxophone, bagpipe
Péter Hárságyi - drum
Róbert Benkő - double-bass

Béla Ágoston - hungarian bagpipe
János Kormos - guitar
Péter Glaser - double-bass
Tamás Berdisz - drum

Béla Ágoston - saxophone
Tamás Gombai - fiddle
Ernő Hock - double-bass
Tamás Csécs - drum
Attila Fülöp - guitar

1. Dudaverseny 1. / Bagpipe concerto 1.
(Kiss Ferenc) – Etnofon Zenei Társulás. Élő felvétel / Live – Művészetek Palotája, 2007. 5:27
2. Budavár tövében / At the foot of Buda Castle (Szabó Zoltán) – Etnofon Zenei Társulás, Carmina Danubiana. Élő felvétel / Live – Zeneakadémia Nagyterme, 2008. 4:08

3. Blagujno dejce (Trad.) – Dilber, 2007. 4:28
4. Szépasszonybál / Fine Ladies’ Ball (Szabó Zoltán) – SzABóTAGE, 2009. 2:53
5. Tündértánc / Fairy Dance (Szabó Zoltán) – SzABóTAGE, 2009. 2:43

6. Sirató / Funeral song (Trad.-Szabó Zoltán-Berger Hannah) – Dilber, 2007. 3:57
7. Appendix (Trad.-Szabó Zoltán-Faragó Béla) – FaragóBanda, 2003. 2:44

8. Harag napja / Day of rage (Kiss Ferenc) – Etnofon Zenei Társulás, 2009. 3:36

9. Két garabonciás / Two wizards (Ágoston Béla) – Agostones, 2004. 4:24
10. Iafia / Son of the Sun (Trad.-Ágoston Béla) – Ágoston Dudás Formáció, 1998. 5:56
11. Ágostonsirató / Ágoston’s Keening (Ágoston Béla) – Ágoston Dudás Formáció, 1998. 3:52
12. Ördögbomba / The Devil’s Bomb (SzabóZoltán-Ágoston Béla) – Agostones, 2004. 5:20
13. Takácstánc / Weaver dance (Ágoston Béla) – Dürer-dance, 2002. 2:00

14. Bosnyák tér / Bosnyák Square (Szabó Zoltán-Ágoston Béla) – Agostones, 2004. 6:18

15. Antik-vita / Antique-Vita (Ágoston Béla-Hárságyi Péter-Szabó Zoltán) – Agostones, 2004. 4:18
16. Körösölelő / All-Embracing (Ágoston Béla) – Ágoston Dudás Formáció, 1998. 4:12

17. Dudaverseny 2. / Bagpipe concerto 2. (Kiss Ferenc) – Etnofon Zenei Társulás. Élő felvétel / Live – Művészetek Palotája, 2007. 1:17

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CD's price: 14.00 USD
