In The Wake Of Béla Bartók In Anatolia

Label: Etnofon
Year of release: 2000
Item number: ED-CD 033
Length: 64:03
Genre: folk music
Construction: plastic

While the languages of different Turkic peoples have been subjected to thorough comparative analyses, only the first few steps have been taken in the comparative research of their musics. In the multitude of arising questions, it is highly intriguing to explore whether traces of old Turkic musical styles can still be detected in contemporary Turkic folk musics. One of the main questions appealing to Hungarians in to see how Turkic folk music styles relate to layers of Hungarian folk music.
To the peresent CD János Sipos has selected from the tunes that he collected in 1988-1989 and 1992 around Adana. This was the region where Bartók was collecting in 1936 and János also started his research work here.

1. Táncdalok zurnán dobkísérettel / Dancing melodies on two zurnas and drums

2. Kara Ibrahim dala / Kara Ibrahim's song
3. Hosszú dal / Long song

4. Hosszú dal / Long song
5. Két női táncdallam / Two female dancing songs

6. Táncdalok zurnán és dobbal: Köroglu, Düz / Dancing melodies on zurna and rums
7. Két hosszú dal / Two long songs
8. "Ceritler" dallam / "Ceritler" melody
9. Női táncdal / Female dance song
10. Egy hosszú dal és két torok-dallam / Long song and two throat-songs
11. A Garip dallam / The Garip melody
12. a, A tahtadzsik teke nevű táncdallama / Teke havasi, dancing song of the tahtacis
b, A bárányok vízhez vezetésének dallama / Melody to take the sheeps to the water
c, Táncdalam kavalon / Dancing tune on flute
13. Női táncdallam / Female dancing song
14. Lakodalmi dal / Wedding song
15. Lakodalmi dal és torok-dallam / Wedding song and throat-song
16. Sirató egy kisbabáért / Lament for a baby
17. Női táncdallam / Female dancing song
18. Katonabúcsúztató / Soldier's farewell

19. Táncdallam / Dancing song
20. Táncdallam / Dancing song
21. Menyasszonybúcsúztató / Bride's farewell song

22. Hosszú dal / Long song
23. Az alevik semah vallási dala / Alevi samah song
24. Mengi - az alevik táncdala / Mengi - Alevi dance song
25. Egy Adana-környéki táncsorozat / Dance series from the neighbourhood of Adana

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CD's price: 14.00 USD


